
Gary Thompson is a content moderator whose job is to remove inappropriate content from the internet during late-night hours. Take a deep dive into the Deep Tank Forum and try to survive a long sleepless night with him…

In this game, you will play as Gary Thompson and try to figure out what happened to Vanessa. In the meantime, you will need to Blink, drink, smoke, and shake your head constantly in order to keep your sanity above 0. 


Press Yellow Stickers EVERY TEN SECONDS to get yourself together.

Press Tick & Cross to censor posts.

How to play

 Use mouse only OR,

Q - Blink

W - Drink

E - Smoke

R - Shake head

Trigger Warning: The game contains explicit nudity, violence, blood, and gore imagery that may be harmful or traumatizing to some audiences.


We are a temporal team of 6, and we are all students from the USC IMGD program.

Developers: Ziyang Liu, Heming Ruan, Pengyu Chen

Artist: Ruizhe Shen, Chengxing Zhou

Narrative: Qingyu Liu

Composer: Can Huang


This game is made for Ludum Dare 51. The topic of this game jam is "every ten second..." The game was created within 48 hours, and some of the mechanics are not functioning as we had originally planned. In the future, we will continue to develop it further.

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